Alarm Support
Honeywell Galaxy Alarm
1. Arming and Disarming
ARM – Offer fob for a short period, timer begins, leave by exit route. Or enter user code and press button <A> to start exit timer and leave by agreed route only. Two beeps to confirm system is Armed.
To Part ARM/ Part Set -use User code and <B> button….Only use this when part set features have been programmed by engineers.
DISARM – Enter by chosen entry route. Panel beeps, offer fob to keypad until it disarms. If using user codes enter your code and press <A> key.
Check screen is normal or if an alarm has activated since you have been in, see section (3) below.
NOTE if the user of the system is programmed to be set and unset with fobs, entry without a fob can lead to an activation, that a valid code can only clear once the alarm has fully triggered.
2. Arm Fail & Zone Omit
Failing to Arm – the system will not arm for you to leave. This could be a previous alarm activation was not reset correctly, see section (3) below or a zone is currently active.
Zone Omit – This is a single set omit meaning when you OMIT a ZONE, the alarm set/arm with that zone omitted. When the system is next unset, it will make that zone live once again.
1.When the alarm is unset begin by entering your MASTER MANAGER CODE and then Press (ENT).
2.Screen says [10 Settings] press (ENT)
3.Screen says [11’ Omit Zone] press (ENT)
4.Use the up and down arrow buttons A and B to reach the Zone you wish to Omit.
5.Screen asks you to select that zone and says [# = Omit]
6.Press # button and the zone will then show as Omitted
7.Now get ready to set the system, screen shows [ENT=SET] or repeat using the A key to find another zone.
8.Press (ENT) and the system will begin the setting process, the buzzer will sound, and the system will arm.
Omitting or Overriding Fault and Tampers – Whenever a user logs in, the display will show any faults or tampers. If the condition cannot be cleared, then an option to arm the system an override is available.
When a user tries to set the system, the display will show those conditions, and allow the user to scroll through. If the user has authority, the screen will show [ENT to continue 0001 +CU BATT]. If the User cannot override the ENT to Continue text will not be displayed.
If one omits the condition this will return when the system is next unset/disarmed. If the user doesn’t have permission the text CALL MANAGER REQUIRED may appear and a 30 second beep.
3. Alerts and Resets
System Alerts - In Case of a tamper ie interference with the system, tampers and faults when unset will be shown as ‘Alerts’. A ½ second beep every 30 seconds will be heard. The screen will display [Alert, Enter Code]. Enter your user code and follow-on screen details. If a MAINS FAIL only often the date remains on screen.
Alarm activations must be reset before the system can be armed once again.
To RESET the Alarm, enter a valid User Code followed by <ENT>. The keypad will show [01 Faults]. Press <A> to view the events in turn until [END] appears on screen. The intermittent beeper has stopped, the keypad will revert to showing the faults. Press<ESC> to revert to home screen.
Now Tampers or Mains Fail must be cleared before a full reset can be achieved or before you wish to set your alarm.
If the code or fob is not of sufficent authorization, the system will say CALL MANAGER or CALL ENGINEER.
* If an UNCONFIRMED full alarm activation, customer can often reset as is described above.
* If a CONFIRMED full alarm activation – you shall need to contact the ARC or an Engineer for a reset.
ENGINEER Reset If the system has been programmed to be reset by an Engineer following a confirmed alarm activation, you will still be able to silence the alarm by entering a valid User code or fob. The system cannot be armed again until the alarm has been reset.
To reset the alarm contact the telephone number on the display or call Brodman.
3.1 ANTI-CODE Reset
If the system has been programmed to be reset using an Anti-Code following a confirmed alarm activation, you will still be able to silence the alarm by entering a valid User code or fob. The system cannot be armed again until the alarm has been reset.
To reset the alarm, proceed as follows: Enter a valid User code or fob. The screen will prompt you for an [ANTI CODE].
Contact the telephone number on the display (if programmed) for the ARC and quote the random code number.
You will be given a 4-digit Anti-Code i.e. 5624. Enter the Anti-code that is given to you by the operator.
If the Anti-code is correct, the keypad will chime to indicate that the system has been reset and the display will return to normal.
4. System Alerts
System Alerts - In Case of a tamper ie interference with the system, tampers and faults when unset will be shown as ‘Alerts’. A half second beep every 30 seconds will be heard. See above section (3).